The prime minister aired some ideas about pepping up trade in the region 首相发表了一些刺激本地区贸易的想法。
How about pepping up plain tiles with transfers? 在素色瓷砖上印制一些图案使其更吸引人如何?
To come above tougher times you have to pep yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused. 当你感觉情绪低落,失落和迷惘时,要从艰难中走出,你要不断激励自己。
After I lost my first job my Dad took out to dinner and gave me a pep talk, it really cheered me up. 我失去了第一份工作,爸爸带我出去吃了一顿,说了一些鼓舞我的话,让我又重新振作起来。
The Inca chewed coca leaves to pep them up when doing strenuous work. 印加帝国的人在进行重体力劳动时靠咀嚼古柯树叶来增强体力。
I put some salsa music on to pep things up. 我播放萨尔萨音乐使气氛活跃。
Pep up jaded palates with this unusual vegetable dish. 用这盘不寻常的蔬菜激发迟钝的味觉。
A short break would pep you up. 休息片刻会让你精神振作起来。
Iraq's overdue conversion to fully electronic banking should help woo investors from abroad and pep up the economy as a whole. 伊拉克迟到的全电子转换应该可以帮助吸引外资以及促进经济的总体发展。
A walk in the fresh air will pep me up. 我在空气新鲜的地方散步就感到精神饱满。
Pep up things in the bedroom, by spicing things up a little. 在寝室增进一些装饰品,可能情趣类的小玩意。
If you are feeling down, sometimes all it takes is a pep talk from your best friend to pick you back up. 如果你情绪低落,有时候你只需要最好的朋友给你一些重振士气的话语以示鼓励。
If you can't give yourself a pep talk to face up to a person who's not performing well, find a coach to give you the psychological boost you need. 是时间而不是年终工作总结让小事变大。如果你不能鼓起勇气面对那个进度有问题的人进行谈话,找一个教练给你你需要的心理动力。
President Barack Obama now has a chance to pep up the court's liberal wing with a youthful replacement. 奥巴马总统现在有机会选拔一个年轻人填补他留下的空缺以充实最高法院中的自由派。
Tea can also pep you up and furthermore tea contains all sorts of vitamins. 茶也能提神,而且茶还含有多种维生素呢。
Pep made his way up through the youth system and made his debut on the first team in1990 as a gangly nineteen-old. 瓜迪奥拉起初服役于巴萨青年队,1990年,年仅19岁身材瘦削的他第一次代表巴萨一线队登场。
At this point nothing can PEP him up. 现在什么也不能使他振奋起来。
A holiday in the sun will pep you up and you'll soon feel better. 阳光下的假日会使你活跃起来,你很快就会好转。
Anywhere around the world these days, you'll be able to walk into an executive lounge and find a spa environment that will help to pep you up on arrival or relax you before a late-night flight, says Ms Earl. 现在在世界上任何地方,你都能够走进一间贵宾休息室,找到一个能让你在抵达后精力充沛或者在登上午夜航班之前进行放松的水疗场所,厄尔表示。